Friday, 23 October 2009

Choir Chapter6

And here we have a new chapter of Choir. This time involving April, and, uhm, those stupid bloomers. No idea why people like those ugly things, but I guess it's a law that 4komas have to cover this angle, too.

I suppose something might need explaining - Shiritori!
Shiritori is a word chaining game. Say, I use the word Chikane.
You then have to take the last sign of the word, in this case Ne, and reply with a word starting with Ne.
For example Neko.
I'd then have to reply with a word starting with Ko, Kowai, for example, and so on. There are a lot of variations to this game, but these are the basics. Page 4 uses Shiritori, and an explaination didn't fit as a note, so it goes here.

Read it on dynasty.


  1. "Go straight!
    Don't stop!"
    Hmm this manga is defenetely not going in "straight" direction ^^
    Thanks as always for another chapter of this moe manga.

  2. Hey, thanks for getting out more Choir! I admit, I was afraid for a second that a two-day turnaround on that 58-page monster that was Amnesian ch. 1 had left this cute little series on the backburner while the two of you recovered, so I'm glad to see more! ^_^

  3. Thanks for another chapter.
