Friday, 30 October 2009

Choir, Chapter 7

Chapter 7 of Choir is here!

Mayuko is seduced by the charms of cosplay, a dynamic new character appears, and...Mayuko and Shousei ride the train of love! (In a manner of speaking...)

Please enjoy.
Read it on dynasty.


  1. As always thanks for another chapter of this manga :)

  2. Thanks! You guys are rocking my rainbow socks!!! XDD

  3. Yuri levels are rising.

    Thanks for the hard work.

  4. Thanks for another chapter of cute fun.
    On page 2, upper left, you probably meant "amateurs", unless it was a cross-language pun on heart-killers. And on page 6, lower right, you may or may not have meant "divas", I haven't seen the raws so I'm not sure.

  5. Amateurs is indeed a typo. Whoops!Sorry for that!

    Devas, however, is not. See here:

    It's a reference to the usual four heavenly kings. In Sanskrit, that's a deva, and often, they are translated like that. Next time, I'll make a note for that, though. Sorry for not including that right away!

  6. I can't believe I missed that. I have failed as a QCer. ::seppuku::

  7. No seppuku please, the world needs your excellent work on Amnesian.

  8. Thank you for the chapter.
    Waiting for the next one =).

  9. Good afternoon.

    I didn't know how I should contact you guys via Mail - since Zefiri-sama's Mail seems to be not longer in use (according to yahoo) and Cryssoberyl-sama didn't left a Mail or something like that in either.
    So I decided to ask you here for your for permission to use your translations
    Perhaps you want to know why: I am a member or the newly formed Scanlations Group Otome no Idenshi. But we translate mainly from english into german. And so we thought of using other Scanlation Groups translation to do so. But before we do that, we wanted to ask your permission.
    Of course your group will be mentioned in the credit page.

    I hope for an answere soon,


    PS: If you reply by Mail: My username is Vela.

  10. Zefiris is in fact German herself, so I will leave this matter up to her. I'll bring your post to her attention.

  11. Sharanna, ich habe im Prinzip nichts dagegen. Ich würde euch aber schon raten, langfristig einen japanisch-deutsch Übersetzer zu finden. Übersetzungen von Sprache A zu B zu C sind immer relativ...störanfällig, um es mal so zu sagen.

    Aber naja, davon abgesehen, sure. Es wäre lieb wenn ihr die Creditpage drinlassen würdet - gern auch editiert mit Zusatz von euren Leuten.
    Ich mag die GenericCreditPage ^^

  12. Ah :D
    Vielen Dank dafür! Nunja, wir haben ja jemanden, der von japanisch ins Deutsche theoretisch übersetzen kann - unser Boss *g* - aber wir sind eine Gruppe, die hauptsächlich von Englisch ins Deutsche übersetzen kann :(
    Ich versteh auch, was du meinst - allein von A nach B ist die Übersetzung nie einwandfrei, weil da vieles einfach nicht mitübersetzt werden kann. Von B nach C ist das dann nochmal so ... ~_~

    Ah oki :] Ich werd das weiterleiten, mit der CreditPage!
    Vielen Dank fürs Benutzten eurer Translations! :D

    BTW: Ist es absicht, das deine Yahoo-Mail nicht mehr funktioniert? xD'
